Sunday, July 4, 2010

Catholic Professor Defends Church for Burning "Heretics" at the Stake

This man is quoted as an authority on the Catholic television network, EWTN. If he was just a low-level teacher somewhere, it would be one thing, but evidently he is viewed as legit by many powerful conservative Catholics. Scary stuff.

Question from Jared on 05-13-2002:

Dr. Carroll, in response to the post by Michael Edwards-Ronning on 5-11-02: I think that the popes during that time felt that the killing of heretics was just. To figure, wouldn't it be a lot better for the general population if a few mainstream heretics were killed, so that the whole population was not "infected" by the heresies of the few? What I am trying to say is that it wasn't a terrible idea. Kill a few heretics to save the eternal souls of the population. That may seem harsh, but that is the basis of my assumption. Thanks.

Answer by Warren H. Carroll, Ph.D on 05-15-2002:
Well stated. I agree with you. - Dr. CarrollCOPYRIGHT 2002 EWTN

Heresey and Burning
Question from David Betts on 05-14-2002:
Dr. Carroll,
The Papal Bull, 'Exsurge Domine,' of Jun 15, 1520, condemned the errors of Martin Luther and his followers. In the translation of this Bull that I have read, Pope Leo X repudiates the following Protestant teaching:

#33. That heretics be burned is against the will of the Spirit.

This proclamation by Pope Leo X proves the Catholic Church taught that the burning of heretics was acceptable to God. Responsibility for this practice cannot be shifted to the civil authorities, as has been suggested.

You have termed the Reformation a 'Revolt,' which it may have been, but I ask you, what sort of Christian would blindly obey such twisted doctrine ?


David Betts

Answer by Dr. William Carroll on 05-18-2002:
Traditionally, burning at the stake had always been the penalty for heresy because, as previous posters have pointed out, heresy was believed to consign souls to hellfire. That is why this practice was followed. - Dr. Carroll

1 comment:

  1. I just found out about this nasty little fascist today, I am in awe that there is someone on earth arguing for burning people at the stake. Possibly even more disturbing is the conversation in the comments on that particular post. People are justifying this stance, talking about it as though it coukd be a good way to save souls, they have convinced themselves that burning a person to death is merciful, I'm sorry, religion makes me sick.
